## Travaris McCurdy and the Failure of the Media

The website https://travaris.net has sparked controversy, with the media branding it as dirty politics and Travaris McCurdy likely to decry its content. Yet, the site merely presents documents. McCurdy, endorsed by Buddy Dyer, previously worked for the city in 2022, where he allegedly lied about graduating from Florida A&M on his job application. Furthermore, he reportedly admitted on WFTV or a similar network to failing a drug test, presumably for that job. Despite these issues, Dyer still endorses him.The website https://travaris.net has sparked controversy, with the media branding it as dirty politics and Travaris McCurdy likely to decry its content. Yet, the site merely presents documents. McCurdy, endorsed by Buddy Dyer, previously worked for the city in 2022, where he allegedly lied about graduating from Florida A&M on his job application. Furthermore, he reportedly admitted on WFTV or a similar network to failing a drug test, presumably for that job. Despite these issues, Dyer still endorses him.

McCurdy, who earns over $90,000 at Buddy Dyer’s airport, also lied on his job application there, claiming he had never been arrested, although he is known to be on probation at the airport. Initially, employees undergo a 12-month probation period, but McCurdy received an additional three months due to further problems.

The real tragedy lies in McCurdy’s extensive interactions with the Orange County Clerk of Court for tolls, red light tickets, and more. The media harshly criticized a Republican legislator for similar issues, but has remained silent on McCurdy’s case. He signed a form with Clerk Tiffany Russell for a program designed to help low-income individuals with their license troubles, falsely stating his income as $50,000 per year and $2,000 a month in disposable income. This deception occurred only a few months ago, while he was running for office. His last ticket, dated May, further highlights his character flaws.

McCurdy also filed an affidavit as all candidates do, misleading again about his income. Additionally, his paternity affidavit for child support contains dubious figures, potentially to lower his payments. Let FDLE, Andrew Bain, Ashley Moody, and Governor DeSantis decide, a complaint has been filed with FDLE he is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and running for office on Tuesday you decide?

Despite advocating for safer streets, McCurdy has a gun arrest on his record. This information is hard to find because the mayor won’t release police records. Nevertheless, the clerk lists Travaris McCurdy’s birthday, indicating it’s likely him and not a clerical error.

This is not about minor marijuana arrests but recent and relevant misconduct. Voters deserve to know this information, which the media failed to provide. They didn’t pursue Freedom of Information requests or public records, nor did they perform a thorough background check. The media’s negligence allowed McCurdy to mislead voters about his education and arrests.

This situation exemplifies media favoritism and laziness. Experienced reporters like Scott Powers or Lauren Richie have been replaced by less seasoned journalists at the Sentinel. WFTV just lost aggressive reporter Chris Heath, leaving a gap in investigative journalism. No one questioned McCurdy’s background, despite his history in the state house and current candidacy.

### The Real Victims of Media Malpractice

The true victims of the media’s malpractice are the candidates who recently ran against Travaris McCurdy, including Lawanna Gelzer, Ericka Dunlap, and others. of course the voters.  These individuals faced an opponent who was shielded from scrutiny by the media. McCurdy, who had previously been elected, ran unvetted in the recent race.

One must question why the mayor so strongly endorsed McCurdy. This unwavering support is puzzling, especially given the documented issues surrounding McCurdy. The media’s failure to investigate and report on these matters has undermined the democratic process, leaving other candidates at a severe disadvantage.he was always supported by the mayor because of who his donors were. Everyone already knew that.

As the June 18 decision approaches, these facts are crucial for voters. I challenge Mr. McCurdy  if the information on the website is incorrect, please notify via the provided email or comments section.

stay tuned to more breaking news that we have on the issue.

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