RPOF Vice Chairman Jesse Phillips Endorsed by Popular Congressman Cory Mills of Seminole County

The race for Seminole County Committeeman is heating up. Incumbent Jesse Phillips, who is also the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), has received the endorsement of popular Congressman Cory Mills, a favorite of President Trump and a member of the Freedom Caucus. Mills, only 43 years old, was overwhelmingly elected last time, taking a seat from Stephanie Murphy. A successful businessman and veteran, Mills is guaranteed a prominent role if Trump is re-elected, with some already speculating about higher office.

Phillips is facing businessman and three-time losing candidate Scott Sturgill, among others. Polling indicates that Phillips remains extremely popular among Republicans in Seminole County. So why does he have these opponents? According to some political experts, this is a payback attempt because Phillips became Vice Chairman of the party. They suggest this challenge aims to hurt the MAGA movement, President Trump, and Governor Ron DeSantis, with the goal of tearing apart the party in Seminole County. Despite being a swing county nationally, Republicans hold every constitutional office and county commission seat in Seminole County. In fact, all Republican constitutional officers lead by popular sheriff Dennis Lemma, were re-elected unchallenged, and the three commissioners—Dallari, Herr, and Constantine—either went unchallenged or faced no major opponents.

What can Scott Sturgill change or improve? He Will cost Central Florida the first time in over a decade of having leadership in Tallahassee in the state party, he can’t  help elect more Republicans, as the county has already elected all Republicans. The issue appears to be personal. Sturgill known for his outlandish conspiracy theories, mean spirited politics, and his  main supporter is former speaker of the house John Boehner a MAGA hater.

We will continue to report on this important situation, as it seems a few insurgents, possibly even Nikki Haley supporters, want to disrupt the party. Stay tuned to the Orlando Political Observer for more information.


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