The results for Orlando’s District 5 race were not even close.

Congratulations to the new Commissioner of District 5, Shan Rose. We wish Mr. McCurdy the best of luck and hope he does the honorable thing by calling Ms. Rose. We believe he has a bright future in Orlando politics.

The race was a landslide, marking a significant loss for the establishment that never faces defeat in Orlando city politics. Despite the efforts of the mayor and former Commissioner Hill to interfere with this election, democracy and transparency prevailed. The city of Orlando has yet to release the election records, they can take their records and their bill and throw it in the fireplace

We are proud to have contributed to leveling the playing field. Shan Rose won through absentee ballots, early voting, and on election day. It’s worth noting that in the recent mayoral election in November 2023, the turnout in District 5 was just 5%. However, in this special election, turnout was significantly higher, showing that the powers that be misjudged the constituents.

Orlando is not a monarchy; it does not have a king and queen. You cannot withhold records, cheat, and allow indicted elected officials to interfere in elections by engaging in unethical behavior. The Orlando media’s lack of coverage of District 5 is a fact. Nonetheless, change has come, and we are thrilled to see it.

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