🚨🐀 Is Regina Hill Cooperating with the Government?

For months, questions have swirled about embattled Orlando City Commissioner Regina Hill and the nature of her legal troubles. After her arrest, reports surfaced that authorities seized her phone and have been scouring its contents. If true, this raises significant concerns: What secrets lie within? What shady deals could be uncovered? And more importantly—why hasn’t she gone to trial yet?

The Delays: A Legal Strategy or Something More?

Hill’s high-priced attorney has consistently pushed back her trial date, leaving many wondering what’s behind the repeated delays. Typically, when a defendant stalls a trial, it’s either to build a stronger defense—or to negotiate a deal. Given the federal government’s track record, when they have access to a defendant’s personal communications, it usually spells trouble for more than just the person on trial.

Could it be that Regina Hill is working with prosecutors, providing information in exchange for a lighter sentence? This wouldn’t be the first time a public official facing serious charges decided to cooperate. Federal investigators love flipping insiders to go after bigger fish.

What’s in That Phone?

Regina Hill has long been rumored to be involved in backdoor deals, questionable contracts, and leveraging her political position for personal gain. If her phone indeed holds incriminating evidence, it could expose not just her but also a network of political allies, donors, and business partners who may have benefited from her influence.

If Hill were truly innocent or confident in her defense, she would likely want a swift trial to clear her name. But the longer the delays, the more speculation grows that she is cooperating with the authorities.

Who Could Be Next?

If Hill has cut a deal, who is she giving up? Orlando politics has no shortage of questionable figures, from developers with deep pockets to city insiders who know how the system works. If federal investigators are leveraging Hill for information, they may be preparing a larger corruption case that could shake Orlando’s political establishment.

The Bottom Line

While there’s no confirmed proof that Regina Hill is cooperating with the government, the pattern of delays, the seized phone, and the high stakes suggest that something is happening behind the scenes. The real question is: If Hill is talking, who else should be worried? Orlando’s political landscape could be on the verge of a major shake-up.

Stay tuned for more

Is Regina Hill Trying to Take Your Money?

Regina Hill is back in the news, and it doesn’t look good. She has just filed to run for office again, but some people are asking questions. Why? Because she still has to go to court for charges about exploiting a 96-year-old woman.

Last year, Hill was accused of exploiting and stealing from the elderly woman. That case hasn’t been resolved yet. She has a court date this month and next month, with her trial set for May. This means she could be facing serious trouble.

People say Hill has a long history of problems with the law. Some even call her a “career criminal.” Now, some wonder if she is running for office just to get money. Voters should watch closely to see what happens next. 

**Orlando Political Observer Offers $1,000 Reward: Who is Paying for Regina Hill’s Million-Dollar Defense?

The Orlando Political Observer has been silent on the subject for a while, but now it’s time to address the million-dollar question swirling around Orlando politics: who is footing the bill for suspended Commissioner Regina Hill’s high-profile legal defense?

Hill has recently retained the services of Fritz Scheller, a well-known attorney in Florida’s legal circles, whose reputation is on par with that of Jose Baez and Mark Nejame. According to Scheller’s assistant, his going rate is $400 per hour—a price tag that certainly isn’t cheap. Legal experts we spoke with estimate that this defense could end up costing Hill somewhere in the range of $500,000, potentially even more.

So, the question remains: who is paying for this high-powered defense? Is it Developer A, Developer B, or perhaps a completely different benefactor? Or could Hill be drawing from her own personal savings? The latter seems unlikely, given that Hill herself stated on a Facebook Live stream that she is currently homeless. The irony is not lost on us: how does one claim homelessness and yet afford a defense that costs more than what most people earn in a decade?

In an effort to get to the bottom of this mystery, the Orlando Political Observer is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who can provide verifiable proof of who is actually covering these legal fees. If you have credible information, you can come forward knowing that your identity will be kept strictly confidential.

This reward is being offered solely by the Orlando Political Observer Group LLC. The reason is simple: taxpayers deserve to know the truth. This is about transparency and accountability, and about making sure public figures are not misleading the very people they are supposed to serve.

So, if you have the information that could solve this puzzle, get in touch. It’s time for Orlando’s citizens to learn a valuable lesson about who really pays the price in the world of politics. Contact doug@orlandopolitics.com

The results for Orlando’s District 5 race were not even close.

Congratulations to the new Commissioner of District 5, Shan Rose. We wish Mr. McCurdy the best of luck and hope he does the honorable thing by calling Ms. Rose. We believe he has a bright future in Orlando politics.

The race was a landslide, marking a significant loss for the establishment that never faces defeat in Orlando city politics. Despite the efforts of the mayor and former Commissioner Hill to interfere with this election, democracy and transparency prevailed. The city of Orlando has yet to release the election records, they can take their records and their bill and throw it in the fireplace

We are proud to have contributed to leveling the playing field. Shan Rose won through absentee ballots, early voting, and on election day. It’s worth noting that in the recent mayoral election in November 2023, the turnout in District 5 was just 5%. However, in this special election, turnout was significantly higher, showing that the powers that be misjudged the constituents.

Orlando is not a monarchy; it does not have a king and queen. You cannot withhold records, cheat, and allow indicted elected officials to interfere in elections by engaging in unethical behavior. The Orlando media’s lack of coverage of District 5 is a fact. Nonetheless, change has come, and we are thrilled to see it.

**Election Interference by Orlando City Hall: Is This Truly a Mickey Mouse Town?**

We have a compelling story to tell, and this is just the beginning. The narrative extends far beyond Travaris McCurdy; he is merely a pawn in a larger election scheme orchestrated by City Hall to install their preferred candidate. The goal is to secure votes for the mayor’s pet projects. The mayor seeks individuals with troubled backgrounds whom he can control. Our efforts involved standard opposition research and public records requests.

For instance, the Orange County Sheriff John Mina promptly fulfilled our request, as did all other government agencies except the City of Orlando. For months, we have been battling their resistance. They underestimated us, assuming we would back down. They believe that after tonight, it’s over, but that’s far from the truth. Their authoritarian tactics demonstrate a disregard for democracy and transparency.

Consider the case of a former elected official, suspended for a first-degree felony, who is now out on bond and meddling in the very election she was suspended for. Does she care about McCurdy? Certainly not. She is delusional, believing she will return to office and sees him as an easy opponent. But there’s a much bigger reason behind her actions. We know the answer and remember she brought this on herself by interfering in the election. She should be reflecting about the 96 year-old victim.

The City of Orlando still holds more records on Mr. McCurdy. They issued a notice 24 hours before the election at 5:30 PM, sending three separate emails. Only after multiple letters of demand and attorney involvement did they release the police file on the Thursday before the election. The first two emails stated they couldn’t assist, while the third email requested money, implying they had something this time. This happened past 5 PM on Monday, the day before the election, indicating they are clearly hiding something. They refuse to release all the records.

McCurdy Finally Responds Kind Of

Of course not to us he made up stories like the pathological  liar that he is you can watch the story  on WFTV here is the best part

Canadiate Shan Rose crashed the little press conference call by someone under indictment for first degree felonies  to interfere in the election   Shan Rose stated, “He has kicked in a Black woman’s door, and if it’s okay to kick in a Black woman’s door, something is really wrong.” This remark references a police report where an ex-girlfriend of Travaris McCurdy alleged that he kicked in her door.

Travaris McCurdy addressed the allegations through a text message to Channel 9, stating that the police report does not confirm that his ex-girlfriend saw him kick down the door. According to the report shared with Channel 9, the ex-girlfriend only saw McCurdy’s car parked near her gate when she noticed the door was damaged. McCurdy noted, “It says nothing was taken; the door just appeared to look kicked in. I was never charged with any of this and never heard of this report until I advanced to the runoff.

On McCurdy’s response, questioning the coincidence of his car being near the gate when the door was damaged. “So his ex-girlfriend’s door gets kicked in, and he’s just hanging out by the gate. We guess A state house representative likes to hang out at gates of  his ex.   What a cavalier attitude he said this never came out until you got the run off. Obviously, a professional did standard opposition research on you  McCurdy had multiple rabbis in City Hall who withheld records. of course he did not refute the other incidents involving, including theft from employers and dishonesty on affidavits, lying on affidavits 357 magnum under a seat stolen.we can go on for paragraphs  now he’s playing victim

We have many questions about this election interference. I’m sure  Ashley Moody was watching, 😉 we did not see remorse today we saw unhinged.

Shaniqua “Shan” Rose: What a Story

### Title: **Shan Rose: A Beacon of Resilience and Determination in Orlando District 5**

**Orlando, FL** – In the race for Orlando District 5, Shan Rose’s story stands out as a testament to resilience, determination, and dedication to her community. Overcoming significant hardships, including homelessness, the loss of a young child, and the unsolved gun crime that took her husband’s life, Shan Rose has emerged stronger and more determined than ever.

By the age of 30, Shan had earned multiple college degrees, showcasing her commitment to education and personal growth. Her life experiences have shaped her into a strong and independent leader, a quality that some believe intimidates the established power structures and local media.

Republicans reached out to us and appreciated that Rose actually reached out to them. It’s the first time in decades they remember a commission candidate making contact.

Despite facing adversity, Shan Rose has garnered substantial support from major associations and groups across the spectrum. The Real Estate Association, Homebuilders, SEIU, and various business groups have all endorsed her, reflecting their confidence in her vision for the district.

Shan Rose is serious about addressing key issues such as safety, affordable housing, and homelessness. She promises not to be a rubber stamp for any agenda but to serve as an independent voice for her constituents, much like other commissioners who advocate passionately for their districts.

The mayor supports McCurdy, the mayors own  backers. diverse groups and associations have endorsed Rose, and she has significantly outraised McCurdy since the first election. While there are concerns about the potential for election interference, Shan Rose remains undeterred, continuing to reach out to everyone in her community and stand firm in her principles.

Her story is one of perseverance and hope, and it resonates deeply with those who believe in a future where leaders are not afraid to stand up for what is right. For more on Shan Rose’s inspiring journey, watch her story here: [Shan’s Story](https://youtu.be/03nxA8BB5eY?si=Lq-47ihqAXmZi0qY).

Mr. Mayor, don’t tarnish your record for McCurdy. Support whoever you choose, but we followed the rules and requested these records in good faith. Release the body cam footage and 911 calls tomorrow. This issue isn’t going away. Follow the law and let the people decide, sir.

Orlando Police Investigate Travaris McCurdy for Theft from Local Car Dealership

The news is depressing. We will just quote the Mayor Buddy Dyers Orlando  Police Department Report

Keeping in case Evans requested the money at a later date and time.
Mr Kounnichi stated on 04-12-2013, when he went into the filing cabinet, he discovered the money orders missing. Mr Kounnichi stated he contacted the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and filed a report, # 12-32470. Mr Kounnichi had an employee named Travaris McCurdy that worked as a salesman for approximately two weeks. McCurdy had not shown back up to work since the money orders were delivered, never calling or giving an explanation for quitting. Mr Kounnichi stated he also discovered McCurdy’s personnel file missing, which contained his phone number and address.
Mr Kounnichi followed the proper Western Union procedure and paid to have the money orders traced. Mr Kounnichi stated he received the paperwork back and discovered both money orders had been cashed on
04-02-2013attheAmscotlocatedat4304ClaroconaOcoeeRoad. Thecopiesshowedthesignatureof”T McCurdy” on the “purchaser signature” line and endorsed on the back of them.
Mr Kounnichi stated McCurdy did not have the authorization to steal or to cash the money orders. Mr Kounnichi stated his business has suffered a loss of $1000.00

Read the rest of the police report for yourself. These reports were requested months ago and were only released the day Dyer endorsed him. They still have not released the body cam footage or 911 calls and will probably release them after the election. Regardless of the election results. We will not go away We will bring this to state and national media. . We demand they release the 911 calls, police reports, and any other police records before the election on  McCurdy if they believe in democracy and transparency. we follow the rules and it’s obvious you don’t want those recordings out there



OMG **Breaking News: Travaris McCurdy’s Orlando Police File Reveals Troubling Allegations**

We have finally received Travaris McCurdy’s Orlando police file, and the details are alarming. Police reports reveal that he victimized two women:

– McCurdy, who boasts about being an aide to the esteemed Senator Geraldine Thompson, allegedly stole from her. If he stole from her, how can we trust he won’t steal from the taxpayers?

The well respected esteemed state senator Geraldine Thompson
The well respected esteemed state senator Geraldine Thompson

– After being elected State Representative, a victim reported McCurdy for breaking into her home, yet no thorough investigation was conducted. How can the women in this district trust he will make it safer?

These revelations come from just two pages of a 20+ page report. If you think these two pages are concerning, the rest are equally troubling. We are calling on Mayor Buddy Dyer to immediately rescind his endorsement, and we urge Mr. McCurdy to drop out of the race immediately. He is not fit to serve.

This is absolutely not dirty politics. These are public records from Buddy Dyer’s Police Department.

Please remember, Travaris Leon McCurdy chose to run for office, not us. When you run for office, you should expect that people will verify your credentials, such as whether you graduated from Florida A&M, and check your police records—standard procedures. We have been exceedingly generous to Mr. McCurdy, holding back on numerous issues.

Either the local media lacks the resources or does not care about District 5. It was their job to investigate, and just because McCurdy got away with things before and got elected doesn’t mean professionals wouldn’t look into his record in the future. He decided to run for office, and it’s only natural that someone would scrutinize his past.

We have tried to be as fair as possible to McCurdy, not posting minor incidents from decades ago. Our intention has been to provide context and relevant information about his past.
police records.

Police records from Mayor Buddy Dyer and the Orlando Police Department

## Travaris McCurdy and the Failure of the Media

The website https://travaris.net has sparked controversy, with the media branding it as dirty politics and Travaris McCurdy likely to decry its content. Yet, the site merely presents documents. McCurdy, endorsed by Buddy Dyer, previously worked for the city in 2022, where he allegedly lied about graduating from Florida A&M on his job application. Furthermore, he reportedly admitted on WFTV or a similar network to failing a drug test, presumably for that job. Despite these issues, Dyer still endorses him.The website https://travaris.net has sparked controversy, with the media branding it as dirty politics and Travaris McCurdy likely to decry its content. Yet, the site merely presents documents. McCurdy, endorsed by Buddy Dyer, previously worked for the city in 2022, where he allegedly lied about graduating from Florida A&M on his job application. Furthermore, he reportedly admitted on WFTV or a similar network to failing a drug test, presumably for that job. Despite these issues, Dyer still endorses him.

McCurdy, who earns over $90,000 at Buddy Dyer’s airport, also lied on his job application there, claiming he had never been arrested, although he is known to be on probation at the airport. Initially, employees undergo a 12-month probation period, but McCurdy received an additional three months due to further problems.

The real tragedy lies in McCurdy’s extensive interactions with the Orange County Clerk of Court for tolls, red light tickets, and more. The media harshly criticized a Republican legislator for similar issues, but has remained silent on McCurdy’s case. He signed a form with Clerk Tiffany Russell for a program designed to help low-income individuals with their license troubles, falsely stating his income as $50,000 per year and $2,000 a month in disposable income. This deception occurred only a few months ago, while he was running for office. His last ticket, dated May, further highlights his character flaws.

McCurdy also filed an affidavit as all candidates do, misleading again about his income. Additionally, his paternity affidavit for child support contains dubious figures, potentially to lower his payments. Let FDLE, Andrew Bain, Ashley Moody, and Governor DeSantis decide, a complaint has been filed with FDLE he is under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and running for office on Tuesday you decide?

Despite advocating for safer streets, McCurdy has a gun arrest on his record. This information is hard to find because the mayor won’t release police records. Nevertheless, the clerk lists Travaris McCurdy’s birthday, indicating it’s likely him and not a clerical error.

This is not about minor marijuana arrests but recent and relevant misconduct. Voters deserve to know this information, which the media failed to provide. They didn’t pursue Freedom of Information requests or public records, nor did they perform a thorough background check. The media’s negligence allowed McCurdy to mislead voters about his education and arrests.

This situation exemplifies media favoritism and laziness. Experienced reporters like Scott Powers or Lauren Richie have been replaced by less seasoned journalists at the Sentinel. WFTV just lost aggressive reporter Chris Heath, leaving a gap in investigative journalism. No one questioned McCurdy’s background, despite his history in the state house and current candidacy.

### The Real Victims of Media Malpractice

The true victims of the media’s malpractice are the candidates who recently ran against Travaris McCurdy, including Lawanna Gelzer, Ericka Dunlap, and others. of course the voters.  These individuals faced an opponent who was shielded from scrutiny by the media. McCurdy, who had previously been elected, ran unvetted in the recent race.

One must question why the mayor so strongly endorsed McCurdy. This unwavering support is puzzling, especially given the documented issues surrounding McCurdy. The media’s failure to investigate and report on these matters has undermined the democratic process, leaving other candidates at a severe disadvantage.he was always supported by the mayor because of who his donors were. Everyone already knew that.

As the June 18 decision approaches, these facts are crucial for voters. I challenge Mr. McCurdy  if the information on the website is incorrect, please notify via the provided email or comments section.

stay tuned to more breaking news that we have on the issue.